Saturday, October 21

It's that time - odds & ends

I am in Day 6 of my official off-season which consists of no bicycle, lots of espresso (wait, that's in-season too!), cookies, and lots of wine! I have something to look forward to at the tail end of my down time, and that is the Wine Down Main Street in Franklin on November 3rd.

Big Ring Films has another film out, Cobbles Baby!

Results from the St. Francis Classic, aka the Greenville Classic, from last weekend. Hometown favorite George Hincapie won the Pro 1/2 crit on Saturday evening in his new Stars & Stripes jersey. I never saw the front on this race to get next to George, but I was able to see him up ahead put in a few attacks. Craig Lewis dropped back a few times to where I was lurking, but no sooner than I was reading TIAA-CREF on his shorts he was already back up front. Yeah, catch you later!

Between Tyler Hamilton possibly getting a contract with a newly created team, and Ivan Basso cutting ties with CSC all that's left is for Jan Ullrich and Floyd Landis to get their respective lives sorted out. To Tyler and Ivan, now is the time to simply shut up and race your bike. Win people over by letting your legs do the talking. To Jan and Floyd, shutting up wouldn't hurt you guys either because you'll never win the PR war.

Professional stage racing in America took another positive step with the creation of the Tour of Missouri. If this momentum keeps up, who knows, maybe one day the Tour of Tennessee?

Pierre Ballester and David Walsh are still writing books in France to attempt to bring down Lance Armstrong. This is nothing new, but I did note the quote within this AP News article on where Frankie Andreu supposedly told Bill Stapleton, Lance's agent: "Look, I've been protecting Lance for a while now."

Don't forget that next Saturday, October 28th is the TBRA Celebration of Champions. Go HERE for a cue sheet with directions to every event taking place.

I have uploaded a couple more videos to the YouTube account. One is from last weekend's crits in Greenville as the Budweiser Clydesdales sprinted through the start/finish area. Those horses are massive! The other video was from the SECCC conference mountain bike championships in Reddick, Florida as there was a 12" bike race relay for fun. Like I said before, you never know what you're going to see at a collegiate event.


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