Monday, July 10

Broadband racer & other stuff

Recently Jeff Hopkins referenced a site that he's become involved in called The Broadband Check that site out! It's got video diaries from not only Jeff, but also Freddie Rodriquez, Christian Vande Velde, and Rashaan Bahati of TIAA-CREF. I will say, for a site that has the word broadband in it they should increase their capacity.

If you recall Jeff missed a flight a few weeks ago for a trip to Pennsylvania for track racing. Instead he had to stay in Nashville and race at Avery Trace. Today Jeff was to wake up once again for an early morning flight out of Nashville going west to Oregon for the Cascade Classic. I suppose we can visit the race's main site to see if Jeff is in the results!

Here are some other sites to check out:

Bike For Haiti Kids - Seattle to Miami in 40 days!
This is scheduled to come through Nashville on August 12th and 13th. Then onto Manchester, Chattanooga and Atlanta. I'd like to meet whoever is involved, but I will be out west in Napa Valley bottling wine during that weekend! :)

Cyclists Inciting Change Thru LIVE Exchange

Bike Culture magazine

Road Magazine
The more I see and read this magazine the more I love it. Great interviews and awesome photography. Their focus is more about the domestic racing scene here in the US.

Saul Raisin is improving!
He's actually in Chattanooga today starting another phase of his rehab. In case you haven't heard he's back on the bike doing three hour rides!

Velogal is keeping a close on the Tour with a lot of insider insight and photos.


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