Wednesday, November 16

Burn the Turkey 2006

We're a week away from the 2nd Annual Burn the Turkey Training Ride!

Last year we held a ride on both Thursday and Friday during the Thanksgiving holiday, and had a great turnout considering family obligations. Weather permitting we are definitely having a 2006 version, and plan to ride approximately 2 hours each day.

On Thursday we'll probably meet at the Airplane Fields because the running race will be taking place on Belle Meade Boulevard. On Friday we'll mix it up and start from the entrance to Percy Warner Park at the end of the Boulevard. The start time will either be 9 AM or 10 AM, but I'll wait to make a decision once I see the projected forecast.

The regular Saturday morning group ride will still take place as well. If anyone else has a ride planned they want to promote then shoot me an email. Stay tuned to the main site for exact details over the weekend.


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