Tuesday, November 8

Tale of Three Cities

Last night about 40 people showed up at the Downtown Partnership for the Tale of Two Cities presentation. Speakers from Nashville, Knoxville and Chattanooga discussed the positive strides that have been made regarding walking and biking enhancements in each city.

I'll have to put together a more comprehensive report as a news item for the site. It's too much info and too important to throw out in a blog. What I walked away with was there's a LOT going on, subtle and comprehensive changes, and a long term plan of attacking the needs of cyclists and walkers. It's only within the last few years have activists been getting the attention of city and state planners.

Here are some buzzwords and phrases for you:

Active Living By Design
Safe Routes to Schools
The 5 Ps
BCI (Bicycle Compatibility Index)
BAC (Bicycle Action Committee)
Cash for Commuters (non-vehicles!)
Institutionalized bicycling
East TN Two Step

The best comment all night was made by Bob Murphy of Walk/Bike Nashville when he said, "The world is run by those who show up."

I agree 100%. It doesn't matter what you're talking about; racing, voting, public meetings, action committees, etc. If you're part of the process and have a presence you will have an impact. Whining and complaining ghosts can forget about it.


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