Sunday, November 6


I think we set a record for BeThereorGetSlower on Saturday (TBRA rides don't count). By my count we started with 47 total starters, which is a 20 to 25 more than normal for us. That's a GREAT turnout!

Will it continue?

It's those extra 20 to 30+ people we want continuing to come out and train. Don't let the cold weather deter you. If possible go out and invest in some good winter clothing, and then mentally prepare yourself for training in 25 to 40 degree temps. Show up from November to February and you'll see that investment of time pay off next spring. Don't be a fair weather rider!

Get a good pair of gloves, shoe covers, head gear, and bib shorts/jacket that are wind resistant. Wind resistant clothing can be expensive, but it's money well spent for winter training. Plus, it'll be useful for years to come unlike your summer uniform that gets replaced almost every year.

With the right clothing we've ridden in single digit temps with wind chills near zero. Once we got our blood flowing the temperature didn't affect us at all. Be prepared and BeThereorGetSlower!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

During the middle of the ride I didn't notice anyone casually talking to nearby riders. In fact, the group's effort picked up substantially for a sustained period. Frankly, it is this type of behavior that will doom the ride to the smaller numbers. The ride will lose those additional cyclists if the group continues to expend effort harder than the advertised rate. Occassional hard efforts up a climb are of little consequence, but sustained efforts in the big ring are counter-productive to training at this time of the year and inconsistent with the declared purpose of the ride.

7:41 AM  

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