Monday, February 5

Thawing out

This past weekend I hope you either braved the cold temps and rode outside or visited Coach Nordmeyer's Weekend Indoor Training Series. Nordmeyer's weekend classes have become a popular destination for warmer weather fans.

Our Saturday BToGS group was quite large despite 25 degrees, but on Sunday afternoon I saw only one small group of about eight riders during my four hour workout. The sun actually made Sunday's ride quite warm despite being only 30 degrees or worse. Don't you just love riding through sunny roadways only to feel the temp drop about 10 degrees as you go through valleys where the sun hasn't reached yet? This happened to me several times on Sunday, but the last time totally zapped my PowerTap from putting out watt info.

There is nothing more frustrating than losing your watts! Those of you with power meters know what I'm talking about. For those of you with only distance and speed functions it's the equivalent of stripping that away from you. Here's how irritated I get; my CPU stopped reading at 3hr20min but I had another 40min to go. Now when I download it only says I did the 3:20. Yeah I can manually adjust the overall time, but I am missing the remaining data......ughhh!

What's so sad is that for almost two years I didn't use anything. I only looked at a watch to see how long I had been riding and wasn't focused on anything but enjoying the ride. I did some specific training, but nothing like now. I had no clue how fast I was going, how many miles I had ridden, my heart rate, nothing. Now I am a slave to numbers. Just another example of the Matrix taking over.

The 10-day forecast looks to be more of the same, but slightly warmer. I don't know about you, but I enjoyed seeing the little snow we did see. Although, I would love to get dumped on with about six inches at least once this winter. Preferably on a Monday so as not to screw up my training. I'm curious, do you all tailor your training plan around the weather? I used to do this years ago, but now I have my plan laid out and I stick to it regardless of what's going on outside.

Ok, I'm moving on to other topics for other posts. Stay tuned.


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