Wednesday, January 3

Cloned food gets the OK

FDA Dithers Over Cloned Food
We went from this AP News report in July 2005 to.....

F.D.A. Says Food From Cloned Animals Is Safe
.....tentative conclusions that milk and meat from some cloned animals is safe to eat in December 2006.

Call me a scaredy cat, but I am not ready to eat cloned food. Even the American Meat Institute says if consumers aren't willing to accept the technology then the FDA should be cautious. One would think they would be waving the flag of salute and not be on the fence.

Here is what is even scarier....dairy and food suppliers would NOT have to label anything that was cloned.

Even though this technology exists companies are still doing their best to advance cloning despite "Cloned food still far from available."

As if all this isn't enough to make your meal sit heavy in your stomach "FDA: Cloned Milk And Meat Are OK" let's us know that the technology has not been perfected. You probably assumed that already, but what does "not been perfected" mean? Translation, the incidence of birth defects for cloned animals is high.

Again, even those in the dairy industry aren't coming out with words of enthusiasm. If you visit my first link FDA Dithers Over Cloned Food you'll read telling quotes from Susan Ruland, a spokeswoman for the International Dairy Foods Association.

"There's a strong general feeling among our members that consumers are not receptive to milk from cloned cows,''

"This seems to be one of the things where technology seems to drop something in the lap of the food companies,''

and lastly says, "It's not driven by the market or any benefit to the consumer.''

Huh? Then why is this even taking up the FDA's time and energy? Will we all eventually bow to the cloning companies? How do we know how this food will actually affect our bodies long term? The Matrix isn't that far off is it?

The FDA has released documents relating to the safety of animal clones and has opened up a 90 day period for public comment. I recommend reading this FAQ section to get the highlights, and afterwards go HERE to send comments to the FDA. Be sure to reference Docket No. 2003N-0573.

Cyclists are very conscientious about their diets and what they put into their bodies. Even Floyd Landis didn't use cloned food as an excuse for his positive test results! There are a lot of you who are vegetarian, lactose intolerant or prefer to eat organic foods. Will cloned food encourage more people to do the same or will it create panic in the food supply?

From a marketing standpoint here would be one way to set yourself apart from the competition. Come right out and state, "Our food products are 100% clone free!" What do you think? A winner? Any company who does that will see a big boost in sales over a competitor who cannot or will not make that same statement.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll eat it as long as it's a 100% ORGANIC clone!

4:35 PM  

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