Friday, December 1

A little housecleaning

I'm not sure how closely you've been following the site lately, but if you've been visiting often you have probably noticed inconsistent information. The last couple of weeks I have had difficulty with my web server and Blogger. The problems have meant my message board was down, old outdated information mysteriously replaced several subsequent updates, and after transitioning my Blogger account over to my Google account several posts got knocked off.

Last night was probably the most frustrating to see everything on my website living and breathing as if it were just November 5, 2006. It's even more puzzling when you look at the server's files and see no logical explanation for the Cycleblog or to not be up-to-date. I say all this because I want you all to know I am on top of getting it fixed. I hope that I don't have to change server providers, but if that's what it takes to ensure consistency then I'll make the change. I'm sure some of you have visited the site and wondered, "what tha?", after seeing my site revert back to links that we've long since lived past.

I do request that if any of you see strange inconsistencies like this to EMAIL ME and let me know about the problem.

Sometimes I may go a day or two without monitoring my content, and believe it or not I never go to my sites myself. I have been working with the different content software programs long enough to know that updates will look the way I want. Therefore, I would greatly appreciate your help in housecleaning issues. My site is your site.

Thank you all for reading!


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