Thursday, December 14

Are we clear?

Recently I commented on A.J. Smith and an article about him getting back on the bike and coming across as badmouthing Discovery. Apparently A.J. received some quick feedback that necessitated an open-letter response by him to Velonews.

He very well may have had honest intentions when he did the interview with the Sun-Sentinel reporter, but it's more evident now this guy has not let go of his bitterness. A.J. also needs someone to help him with his communication skills. It's not prudent to blurt out everything that's on your mind. A.J. neither thinks through his thoughts nor thinks about the impact on how he's received.

To further prove his convolutedness go HERE to his website MountainTop Human Performance.

Through all that there are more and more existing or former Euro pros who are talking more openly about the drug culture. We haven't reached the tipping point yet, but it's clear some guys are unloading a lot of burdens from their shoulders. However, I am not convinced they are being 100% forthright. As for the rest of you, just say it!

From a Cyclingnews interview - Jorg Jaksche: 'There are no winners'

From PezCycling News - Frankly Frankie: The Worst of Times?

From Cyclingnews - David Millar : Doing it the right way

I'm thinking out loud here, but here's someone I bet could tell us a lot - Johan Museeuw. For that matter, what about many of the latest recent retirees such as Mario Cipollini, Scott Sunderland, Bjarne Riis, Oscar Camenzind or Francisco Mancebo? Those guys rode around the block a few times and could certainly add to the discussion, especially Camenzind and Mancebo. With the exception of Greg Lemond there's been a big hush from former pros sticking their necks and reputations out on the line; that's a shame. I'm not saying I agree completely with Greg's style, but at least he's not afraid to open his mouth.


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