Monday, April 17

Bike thieving movies

I have been on a roll of late regarding bicycle movies. Awhile back I reviewed CSC's Overcoming and T-Mobile's Hell on Wheels, but I've got a few more in my arsenal worth talking about now.

Yesterday I received two more DVDs, but everyone has likely seen them already. After watching the Little 500 online I took the next logical step and purchased the movie Breaking Away and American Flyers from Amazon. The pricing was cheaper than expected so it made sense to get both, but I had to add Wooden On Leadership to get over the free shipping hump.

Prior to this last shipment I had two other DVDs collecting dust on my bookshelf waiting to be watched. The first is the Italian classic The Bicycle Thief from 1948, and the other is Beijing Bicycle made in 2001.

These two movies are brilliant portrayals of how a stolen bicycle can expose the most important struggles within life. This is especially important as to how it relates to the working class Italians of the late 1940s and early 2000 Chinese. It's amazing how something as basic as a bicycle can impact the quality of a man's life, but in these two films you get down to the naked truth of man's character.

It will make you wonder what people are desparately grasping for survival today that you and I regularly take for granted.

Stay tuned for the reviews.....


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