Saturday, October 1

Group riding

I'm curious, what will it take for everyone to get together and ride regularly together? I hear on Saturday there ended up being at least 3 different groups of riders doing their own thing despite knowing of each other's existence at the same time in the exact same place. Seriously, come on.

What's with this isolationist style of riding? It is October you know? Training is over. It's all about riding for fun now.

Here's a question, are you going to do your isolated team ride rather than the TBRA banquet ride with Tom Danielson? I'm just asking.

Solidarity lacking. Need it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems to me the goal should be to get people out on their bikes enjoying the sport. Different people have differing amounts of time available, route choices (less trafficed roads), and speed.

It's not about the group or size, it's about being on a bike. Singular group ride does not equal solidarity.

Your post is further isolationism.

Get off the high horse and let people ride.

10:21 AM  
Blogger said...

Well, we've already accomplished your goal above of getting people riding their bikes. We're beyond attempting to reach that goal with the cyclists I'm referring.

I don't get the idea that myself or other like minded cyclists are promoting isolationism.

Let me put this another way:
1 - large groups of people riding their bikes
2 - all said people know each other
3 - the sum of those get together in 3 different smaller groups
4 - the 3 groups ride separately
5 - they all ride in the same geographic area
6 - at the same time of day!!!!!!!

There are fractured unions and then unions with solidarity. Take your pick, but I choose solidarity and I'll keep harping on this.

The goal is for people to ride together as much as possible. If it means people peel off, ride slower, ride shorter/longer distances, etc then fine. However, not taking the time to associate and mingle with other groups IS isolationism.

It's about helping to create a unified cycling culture in Nashville. What you illustrate is a culture with nothing but sub-cultures that never communicate beyond a few race weekends. Even then those sub-cultures are trying to stick it to other sub-cultures!

I could add more comments, but I've got work to do.....I'll blog more in depth later though.

Thank you for giving your opinion. Finally somebody! :)

2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time to mingle and associate is one thing, riding together all the time is another.

I just don't see how riding in one big group is going to change anything. I've ridden in the big group and it is as fractured as anything and not all that enjoyable.

Time on the bike is limited for a lot of us and we want to enjoy it our way, if that means outside the big group, so be it. Don't set a tone where we are degrading the quality of the cycling comunity by not participating in some ride that someone declares is "the" ride. Cliques and high school.

12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not meaning to be confrontational, but I tend to agree with "anonymous." Just because we all eat at the same restaurant does not mean we all have to sit at the same table. It's just not practical.

I enjoy group rides a great deal, but by 20 miles in they are inevitably fractured into smaller groups of cyclist riding at similar speeds. Large groups that start together never finishe together, nor should they. That would necessitate that everyone ride at the same speed. Boring.

On another note, I love this blog and hope to see more posts and opinions from readers.

8:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you both "annon and g-dod" are talking from a recreational mindset,which is fine...i think what the ncc blog is referring to is group riding for those who race or would like to race and how group riding would be beneficial.

7:12 PM  

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