I recommend checking out this site,
It's filled with a lot of useful tips about riding at all levels of ability. If you sign up for their free newsletter then you will receive the eBook 29 Pro Cycling Secrets, also for free. Within this eBook you'll read coaching ideas and tips from top professional riders and/or coaches. A few topics discussed are climbing, sprinting, training by heart rate, training by power, time budgeting, training with weights, improving cadence and the importance of rest. There are many recognizable names within the eBook offering these "secrets."
I especially liked the sections on block training and developing great power. With my schedule this past spring I could not train on the weekends, so a block training plan was what I used. My coach developed a plan where my mid-week days were all pretty intense, and then I'd simply spin for 40 minutes on the weekend to stay loose and help recovery. We've both been very pleased with the results.
I also like what Chris Carmichael has to say about increasing power through workouts with a higher cadence. Lower cadence and bigger gears build strength and not power according to Carmichael. Since I began using a PowerTap back in November I am much more aware of my efforts regarding power and cadence. His coaching advice about increasing power falls into line with how I've been training all winter and spring. If it worked for Lance Armstrong it should work for you and me!
The weekly newsletter sent out by arrives every Thursday and is filled with all sorts of news and useful suggestions. I'm not a big fan of newsletters, but this one I actually look forward to getting. The site provides all this free content hoping that you'll sign up for their premium site. You already get a ton of free information, but you can go HERE to read the 10 exclusive benefits that premium subscribers receive.
It's filled with a lot of useful tips about riding at all levels of ability. If you sign up for their free newsletter then you will receive the eBook 29 Pro Cycling Secrets, also for free. Within this eBook you'll read coaching ideas and tips from top professional riders and/or coaches. A few topics discussed are climbing, sprinting, training by heart rate, training by power, time budgeting, training with weights, improving cadence and the importance of rest. There are many recognizable names within the eBook offering these "secrets."
I especially liked the sections on block training and developing great power. With my schedule this past spring I could not train on the weekends, so a block training plan was what I used. My coach developed a plan where my mid-week days were all pretty intense, and then I'd simply spin for 40 minutes on the weekend to stay loose and help recovery. We've both been very pleased with the results.
I also like what Chris Carmichael has to say about increasing power through workouts with a higher cadence. Lower cadence and bigger gears build strength and not power according to Carmichael. Since I began using a PowerTap back in November I am much more aware of my efforts regarding power and cadence. His coaching advice about increasing power falls into line with how I've been training all winter and spring. If it worked for Lance Armstrong it should work for you and me!
The weekly newsletter sent out by arrives every Thursday and is filled with all sorts of news and useful suggestions. I'm not a big fan of newsletters, but this one I actually look forward to getting. The site provides all this free content hoping that you'll sign up for their premium site. You already get a ton of free information, but you can go HERE to read the 10 exclusive benefits that premium subscribers receive.
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