Monday, January 2

Schedules coming

When the calendar year changes I usually begin the process of developing the upcoming race and charity ride schedule. Most of TBRA is complete and the Georgia Cup has done the same. Both organizations are accustomed to making changes leading into the first race of the spring, but both are 90%+ completed with only minor changes ahead. If you've followed the site then you realize my research and past experience takes you beyond Tennessee and Georgia racing.

Many of the states and USA Cycling are making attempts to ensure schedules do not conflict too much. This has been a big complaint over the last few years, but it's easier said than done. I like to think the schedule I accumulate is one of (if not "the") most comprehensive southeast schedule, and hopefully provides help deciding your tentative racing season plan.

The charity ride schedule is harder to nail down since there's no statewide governing body. Each club does its own thing and puts out their flyer. It's up to me to go web surfing and round up the content. Fortunately, like races, the rides don't change dates much from year to year. Plus, they're better than race promoters at providing a good informational website.

Stay tuned as I hope to have something up later during the week.


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