Friday, July 4

Let freedom ring!

Happy July 4th!

Today is all about fireworks and cookouts, but the real significance of today is about celebrating our freedom. Regardless of the turmoil going on in the world the United States is still the symbol of hope for anyone seeking individual liberty from oppression. All too often we Americans take our Constitution for granted and assume the Bill of Rights will continue providing the freedoms we have enjoyed for over 200 years. Those freedoms and rights didn't just spring into action because our founding fathers inscribed them, but they came with a heavy price in our infancy as our nation fought for those freedoms. Our country continues to fight for those freedoms today.

There are many people outside the United States who can only dream of enjoying the privileges we do. Certainly we can do better at achieving our societal goals, but there's not a country on Earth who is as close to a "more perfect union" than the United States. Today, of all days, stop and take a moment to remember the sacrifices made by those before us who made it all possible. Dare I say give thanks and say a prayer for the countless blessings in your life.

As you do this think of the countless lives lost as we fought for independence, and think of the amazing struggles men like Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Franklin endured to help gain independence and credibility. To take a stand against British rule prior to and during the revolution very well meant laying your life on the line. Many men and women lost their lives because they strongly believed in the idea of truly being free. Today we have the luxury of a military that protects us here at home and abroad, but in the late 1700s Great Britain was the country with all the might while the colonies struggled to organize troops that stuck together.

Just imagine if we had to experience today what our founding fathers went through. I think of this hypothetical occasionally, and honestly I'm not sure our nation would have the guts to live it out today as they did then. They stuck to it and never gave up. They thought marathon while the Brits thought sprint. Thank God they did.

While you're at it, give more thought to our service men and women for their sacrifices during World War I and World War II. Recall the entire nation rationing everything imaginable in order to support the war effort in the hopes of restoring our nation's safety. Think of Pearl Harbor. Think of Normandy. To bring it into current terms think of 9/11 and our troops in Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of our service men and women continue to sacrifice a great deal to protect us, our Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

There have been many turning points in our nation's history. Our destiny could have gone the other way, and may still, if not for the perseverance and love for our country by countless government and military leaders as well as its citizenry.

What do you think we care about most? Winning and securing victory.....the only option.

I am thankful and proud to be an American.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Luke, thanks for your service.

6:45 PM  

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