Thursday, August 3

Landis' leaks has become the best source for information and commentary regarding the Floyd Landis drama. Granted, much of the commentary is from short-sighted sports reporters who are clueless about cycling and even more clueless when it comes to doping cases. On the other hand, the news articles, audio interviews and videos found on are outstanding.

The latest I have seen today involves the topic of leaks surrounding the case. The leaks are coming from the French lab testing Landis' urine and from the UCI as well. Supposedly, both organizations are bound to secrecy until the entire testing process is completed, but we all know there are loose lips throughout those two entities.

From - Landis' attorney upset with UCI's leak of information

There are some interesting facts within the article, but do take time to watch the video interview with cycling commentator John Eustice. He brings up some interesting points that have yet to be said elsewhere. Most notably that the French lab doing the tests on Landis is the same lab who recently performed the tests on Lance Armstrong's urine from his 1999 Tour victory. This same lab leaked that information to L'Equipe and was subsequently reprimanded for their actions and unethical behavior.

I don't know about you, but that sounds like a stacked deck against the athlete. I suppose the French language doesn't include words such as protocol or documentation, but instead maybe the French dictionary has those listed under axe and grind?

John Eustice doesn't believe he's guilty, and neither do I. Not that our opinions matter much because the B sample result will be the next bombshell to dictate what direction this case goes.

I do have some advice for Floyd, seek new counsel. I'm a big believer in going with winners who have proven to win against all odds, but his lawyer is the same lawyer that Tyler Hamilton had during his blood doping case. Hamilton served a 2-year suspension that ends this September. I'd do whatever it took to try and hire the same lawyers defending Lance Armstrong. Those guys never lose!

(I'm sure the next thing I'll read will assuredly say Floyd's lawyer IS Lance's lawyer!)


Blogger pelotonjim said...

Agreed. Tyler's approach was to attack anything that moved. Remember the "vansihing twin?" Floyd's greatest strength is his straight talking believable style. Once Tyler Lawyered up, he turned into a canned, word-parsing politician. He began to look ike he had something to hide.

Call Lance. Do what it takes Floyd.

10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Floyd hired the same lawyer that has never lost a Testosterone case. Hundreds of cyclists have tested positive for testosterone, and Floyd's chosen counsel has helped many of them get off. I believe he has chosen wisely.

9:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Howard Jacobs has helped many get off, but his record isn't 100% like Armstrong's lawyers. Jacobs not only represented Tyler Hamilton in his losing defense and subsequent 2 year ban, but also sprinter Tim Montgomery who had a two year ban placed upon him in 2005. Plus, his medals and records were stripped. Nice work Jacobs.

12:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

European practices often involve much more documentation and protocol, so stereotyping the french (aren't you monolingual, by the way?) isn't fair. They put far more effort into protocol and documentation with Iraq issues than the US.

9:05 PM  

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