Monday, January 23

Soy doesn't aid cholesterol

The American Heart Association just released information stating soy products don't significantly lower cholesterol as previously thought. While the decade long study provided this new information doctors still mention soy products are good for you because people eat those instead of less healthy foods.

This quote sums it up:

"Soy proteins and isoflavones don't have any major health benefits other than soy protein products are generally good foods," said Dr. Frank Sacks, a professor of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston who led the committee. "They're good to replace other foods that are high in cholesterol."

Read the ABC News report about soy HERE.

A lot of cyclists are big believers in soy and eat or drink it quite a bit. I fall into that crowd with my daily two drink minimum soy based espresso drinks. This report will not cause me to change that addiction, but if any of you are consuming soy products solely for the cholesterol benefit go to plan B.


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