Thursday, September 21

They're ticked off

As I stumble through local news sites I come across - Bikes vs Cars.

ImTickedoff2 is a new segment from Channel 2 News reporter Andy Cordan. Think Turko without all the controversy, although Andy is trying to play on the frustration of one group against another. As Andy says, "By the people, for the people."

The Bikes vs Cars segment is about a woman in Franklin who is ticked off at all the cyclists in the area that she has to slow down for. She's actually good natured about it, but the report initially tries to portray cyclists as taking up the whole road all the time.

If you click on the video link within the post you can watch the report. You'll see many of the cycling action shots were filmed along Del Rio Pike in Franklin. Within Andy's blog on Imtickedoff2 there are some quotes from Ben Ross of Ben Ross Photography, a contributing photographer on


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