Thursday, March 30

So you understand..... is a one man show.

Maybe that's surprising, maybe not, but the truth is there's only one person to handle every bit of content you read on or blog posts. However, I am extremely fortunate to have diary contributors and people throughout the community who occasionally send me relevant information to post. Moreover, I relied on Spincycle Creative to create this site's architecture as well as make the occasional structural change.

Day-to-day I am the reporter, editor, publisher, promoter, owner, etc. all wrapped up into one. I do this while also working two wonderful jobs that I absolutely love, so is a true hobby that I am committed to maintaining for the Nashville cycling community.

This site does not make any money either, but fortunately aside from the startup costs it is relatively inexpensive to operate. Maybe someday it will actually be profitable, but it's not my focus now or in the near future.

Since there's just one person it means I can only be in one place at one time. I race myself, all on the road, so that limits my ability to see all things and report on events taking place across Tennessee. Therefore, I must rely on the contributions of others who do see and hear what's happening in the cycling community.

Since day one I have been open and honest regarding my lack of mountain bike knowledge and information. This is why I have brought on Daniel Matheny and am seeking to add more. I have done my best to reach out to people and clubs for information, scoured the online news sources for cycling news, helped race promoters get their events hyped, worked with Walk/Bike Nashville, attended and reported on Critical Mass, and promoted quite a few races myself to name a few things I have done. I am about stretched to my limits on what I personally can accomplish and/or have time to explore.

Yet, I am wide OPEN to more and better ideas. I want to make this site more appealing and to continue the building of our cycling culture here in Nashville. It's possible I have maxed my own potential and have peaked, but I certainly hope not. I always feel like I can do better, no matter what the endeavor. I do know this, I will absolutely need everyone's help to build upon the momentum we have created.

Since day one I have begged, pleaded, and begged some more for people to CONTRIBUTE anything. Comments, suggestions, information, you name it and I've asked for it. The result: zero response. In the little over 2 years of's existence I can count on two hands how many times I have received unsolicited information, but even then it's usually from people I already know. One aspect that has seen a huge boost of support is volunteers to help the race events run smoothly. Without a handful of close cycling friends there's no way I could pull off any racing event, so I am blessed with such good people to call upon for support.

I humbly request EVERYONE wishing to add their thoughts, ideas, race reports, questions, or anything at all to do so on the message board of While the board gets respectable hits as far as readership it gets poor marks on the quantity and quality of posts. I will gladly redesign the topics, rearrange the layout, whatever, in order to get people to contribute. I know cyclists are full of opinions, but their lack of online contributions within the message board or emails speaks volumes.

So when I get negative comments regarding content I hope you understand how that leads me to type up this post. Criticism from people I know who are "doers" doesn't bother me a bit because I know I can count on them to help improve the situation. Criticism from lazy non-contributors and non-doers has never been something I've tolerated. I simply pass you by and go get things done on my own.

If you want to help me improve content then actually help me. Contribute to the community, do something!

As my favorite coach used to say, "Lead, follow or get out of the way!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me start by stating I love the site and visit often and appreciate all you do. The following is just my opinion.

Here's an idea of how to increase participation. Don't be so critical and defensive.

You seldom take constructive comments without trying to shoot down the poster. Encourage discussion, don't try to constantly defend yourself.

I know it's your blog, but you seem to be at odds with yourself: Half of you wants people to contribute, the other half of you wants to defend yourself and "correct" observations of the few that do post.

Who wants to post only to get jumped on by the host? Your interaction with posters is discouraging participation.

People might even use their names more if the interaction was a little more friendly and not so aggressive.

6:52 PM  
Blogger said...

Thank you for the suggestions.

12:08 AM  

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