Tuesday, August 19

Random thoughts - 8/19

I feel like doing this one a little different.....

I am thinking of entering this home run hitting contest on Saturday. What do you think? I can't win the NC.com championship belt, but I might take home the Home Run Derby Cup instead! It's happening at one of the ball fields right next to where we start the BToGS ride on Saturday mornings. Plus, first place wins $225, and if I compete I have a great idea on how to raise money for HOW 100.

You're probably wondering, can he actually hit home runs? Grin.....

I agree with Jemele Hill about the greatness of Michael Phelps. For now I would consider him the greatest Olympian ever, but one day his records will be broken. We may never live to see it, but all records are meant to be broken. Just ask Mark Spitz.

When I browse a website like AllPosters.com I find a lot of cool posters I'd love to have hanging on a wall. Lord knows my walls could use some decorating. The prices are very affordable, and you can even have them shipped already framed.

Staying with the art theme here's a bicycle specific art site of recycled bike parts. They are proud of their work, but I would probably only buy one of the clocks anyway. Maybe I'll buy two posters instead.

Greenway etiquette - this topic is becoming a hot button issue with me. Walkers and bikers both are too often guilty of not using common sense when using the Greenway. People will take up the whole lane without any regard to others behind or in front of them. I don't fly through Shelby Bottoms dodging everybody mind you, but I would think people would consider their own safety enough to stay as far right as possible.

I am a huge fan of popcorn and eat it 4 to 5 times per week at night. Seriously. I only pop it on the stove too. Never microwave. Here's the best stove popper - Whirly Pop. It makes a great Christmas gift.....hint hint.

Can you imagine using 330,000 gallons of water in one month? Me neither. Go without for a little bit for goodness sakes.

This is probably more interesting to imagine; how about can you eat 100 Krystal burgers in eight minutes? Me neither. I might be able to put down 20, but some guy is going to give 100 a try this Saturday in Chattanooga. So after you finish the 3.5 mile climb up to the reservoir on Raccoon Mountain you can register for the burger eating contest at MajorLeagueEating.com. You read that right, the MLE.

Speculation is at it again. This time it's cotton. No commodity is off limits to investor manipulation. Better buy your underwear and tee-shirts now.

Dave Zabriskie wants to know are you tired of your *** being tired? This is almost too clever. Some of you will get this and love it while others will need it explained.

This is one of the only real world series championships. I cringe each time a professional US sports team says or claims they won the World Championship. We've got the NCAA football bowl system for college universities, and they can't truly determine a definitive champion. Then we've got Little Leaguers competing in a truly global playoff system. How is it a global kids league can figure it out, but a bunch of college presidents and athletic directors talk as if they've got a problem so complex not even NASA can solve. Please.

The Nashville Scene is taking entries for its annual Best of Nashville Reader's Poll. It's broken down into many different categories and includes your favorite bicycle shop.

Professional cycling should hire Joyce Julius and Associates. To hold on to their sponsors they'll not only have to cultivate a dope-free culture but also take every opportunity to increase sponsorship impact. Along those lines, pro cyclists could learn a lot from NASCAR drivers about how to deliver their sponsors more verbal exposure. Everybody is in a trance as they're focused on doping controls, but exploiting every sponsorship mention opportunity will be just as effective.

This Olympic baseball game between the US and China turned into an ugly situation. The US took their shots at China's catcher on two different occasions, and in my opinion both times it was unecessary to run the catcher over. The catcher gave room to slide around, and the ball wasn't anywhere close to the plate. There's a video you can watch that shows the highlights. I'm sure the article and video don't tell the whole story, but the US player Matthew LaPorta should have been expecting to get drilled. Sure, China's pitcher should not have headhunted, but it's really no different than what the US runners did to the Chinese catcher.

I think the only reason the Chinese catcher didn't immediately retaliate was because this is an international game and it would likely mean some type of Olympic suspension. In any other league there would have been a full scale brawl that would have lasted awhile. Lastly, many players on both teams play in the US at the professional level. Those players will remember names and at some point in the future will likely take further action. Believe it.

I'm a pretty flexible guy, but I can't do anything remotely close to this. You almost wonder if PT Barnum reps are in the stands with contracts.


Blogger Unknown said...

Brad Spears (Krystal Elite Cycling Team) is the current M.L.E. Krystal eating amateur champion... The announcer was heard saying 'Next to the birth of my first child, that the most beautiful thing I've ever seen'

8:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with what some of Jemele Hill says, but this is disturbing and you all know why...
"Lance Armstrong's seven straight Tour de France titles probably comes the closest to matching Phelps. But it's impossible to be confident in Armstrong's achievements because he dominated one of the dirtiest professional sports in the world."

12:38 PM  

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