Friday, June 2

Armstrong on Bode

Lance says it best himself, from

Among other things Lance says, " ... Ultimately, I don't think what he did was fair. I mean, look, doping isn't fair. But getting people to invest in your story, in your career ... that's not fair if all we came away with in the end is somebody saying, 'Yeah, but I partied at the Olympic level.'

Lance made these comments to Tom Brokaw during an interview for the magazine Men's Journal. The interview was held before the latest exoneration of Lance of all the doping allegations from his first victory in the 1999 Tour de France.

Men's Journal is where I first heard of Lance and his cancer story. I subscribed to that magazine back in the mid to late 90s, and they did a big cover story on Lance as he was coming back from the depths of near death. I was more captivated with his determination and grit than I was with the cycling aspect, especially since I was in graduate school and not involved in the sport at all.

Keep your eye on the magazine stands since the June issue doesn't include the Lance article. It's supposed to come out in the July edition available on June 6th.


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